The Story behind the Stories

When Jake was three, he was diagnosed with a nasal encephalocoele which required brain surgery. Ever since then, he has struggled to catch up academically, but his heart is one of the purest I have ever known. Because his brain didn't process well, he never learned stranger anxiety and most of the time doesn't fear anything. I started these as a way to remember all the things he says and does that are so very different from my other children. The aftermath of that brain surgery has been ADD and epilepsy, which he has also taken in stride. He is a joy most of the time, I only wish people could appreciate his uniqueness and spirit, rather than wanting him to fit into a mold.

Friday, May 13, 2005

The pond

The new house has a little pond - not sure how many gallos, but it is about 5 feet long and a couple feet deep. When we moved in there was one lone fish - he had weathered at least one winter in the pond alone. We called him Encino like the character from the movie.

Jacob likes the new neighborhood. He has a couple of boys his age, but more importantly, there are woods and he has a place to hang out and get muddy. There is a boy in the neighborhood who is older, but had meningitis in first grade, so he and Jake have that same non-linear thinking and they get along - fishing and catching frogs being their favorite pastimes.

I came home after work one evening not long after we moved in and found the two of them in the back yard. They had caught the fish and the frogs in the pond and put them in buckets. The water lilies were on the sidewalk and they were scrubbing furiously at the sides of the plastic liner for the pond. They had cleaned it out trying to be helpful. Unfortunately, they did not understand that frogs and tadpoles and fish need clean water - but not tap water. Several of the tadpoles bit the dust over night and I had to fish them out.

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About Me

Mother to 3 wonderous young adults, dreamer, daughter, and still in search of love's elusive gifts