The Story behind the Stories

When Jake was three, he was diagnosed with a nasal encephalocoele which required brain surgery. Ever since then, he has struggled to catch up academically, but his heart is one of the purest I have ever known. Because his brain didn't process well, he never learned stranger anxiety and most of the time doesn't fear anything. I started these as a way to remember all the things he says and does that are so very different from my other children. The aftermath of that brain surgery has been ADD and epilepsy, which he has also taken in stride. He is a joy most of the time, I only wish people could appreciate his uniqueness and spirit, rather than wanting him to fit into a mold.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

My son, the carnivore

We went to a Chinese Buffet last night. Jacob, as usual, was in heaven with the array of seafood. First plate was mussels and shrimp. Second plate, King crab legs, Chinese pork ribs (he forgot about the no meat thing and I ignored it) and more shrimp. Then plate three: more crab legs. Then came the question - Mamma, is it okay if I get crawdads? Oddly enough, the only time I have ever eaten crawdads in my life was the night he was conceived - not that I hate them, the idea of eating something that is still looking at me is upsetting. Not for Jake, he loves them. I said it was okay.

He returned to the table with a small pile of steamed crawdads and one poor deep-fired prawn who was skewered from nose to tailfin - eyes intact. ew. After disposing of the crawdads in quick order, he covered them with a napkin. Then began working on the prawn - legs and all. That was more than I could take - so I removed it from his hand and started to peel away the exoskeleton and the legs. Unfortunately, this gave Jake a moment's pause and he saw the crawdad peaking from beneath the napkin "How could you?" he said in the little voice of the crawdad "You ate my tail!" "Save my babies!" From that point he could have eaten whatever he wanted, Josh and I were nearly doubled with laughter as the commentary from the crawdad continued. At least I don't' have to worry about his appetite!

1 comment:

Badpatty said...

I have to apologize for the "save my babies" comment. Yeah, I taught that to him. It's from an old Ren & Stimpy tune called FIRE DOGS. You get to hear a woman's voice plead "Save my baby! Save my elephant! SAVE MEEEE!"


About Me

Mother to 3 wonderous young adults, dreamer, daughter, and still in search of love's elusive gifts