The Story behind the Stories

When Jake was three, he was diagnosed with a nasal encephalocoele which required brain surgery. Ever since then, he has struggled to catch up academically, but his heart is one of the purest I have ever known. Because his brain didn't process well, he never learned stranger anxiety and most of the time doesn't fear anything. I started these as a way to remember all the things he says and does that are so very different from my other children. The aftermath of that brain surgery has been ADD and epilepsy, which he has also taken in stride. He is a joy most of the time, I only wish people could appreciate his uniqueness and spirit, rather than wanting him to fit into a mold.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


November 2003

The kids and I were having dinner at Don Pablo’s on a busy Friday night. Since we were getting restless, we decided to play pictionary. Josh started and Jerra guessed the picture. Then it was Jerra’s turn and she drew a little smiley face and Jake guessed it. Then he took the paper and covered the sheet with his arms as though protecting a great secret. Jerra asked what he was doing. “ I don’t want you to peek!” Uh Jake, the whole point of the game is for us to see and guess the picture! We all burst out laughing.

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About Me

Mother to 3 wonderous young adults, dreamer, daughter, and still in search of love's elusive gifts